Gresham College Lectures
Gresham College Lectures
AI in Business
AI is another major technological innovation. AI needs data, or more precisely, big organized data. Most data processing is about making it useful for automatic systems such as machine learning, deep learning, and other AI systems. But one big problem with AI systems is that they lack context. An AI system is a pattern recognition machine devoid of any understanding of how the world works.
This lecture discusses how AI systems are used in business and their limitations.
A lecture by Raghavendra Rau recorded on 22 May 2023 at Barnard's Inn Hall, London.
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: https://www.gresham.ac.uk/watch-now/ai-business
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This is the fifth and list series on AI in business, and it's somewhat of a three parter. The first part was last, last time in February where I talked about big data and how you need to organize data in it for it to be useful to AI systems. Then, uh, this time I'm gonna talk about how AI actually works, and the next time I'm gonna talk about what's the dark side of all this, what happens? We depend too much on all this technology. What are the issues that we are faced with as society? And I'll foreshadow some of that in my talk today, right? But first, this is actually a very, very interesting topic all of a sudden, right? Because when I was originally making my slides, there were no such thing as large language models like chat, G P T and everything, which have only started becoming prominent around March or so. So a lot of my lecture had to be completely rewritten on the fly while I was doing, uh, making my slide for this. Alright, so let's talk first about the different types of AI models, right? So the first type of AI model is something called artificial narrow intelligence. Now, we are giving examples of each of this, but artificial narrow intelligence is basically artificial intelligence devoted to solving one small narrow job, right? So it works very well in that one context, but it doesn't work well in a different context. Artificial general intelligence is we take this stuff from artificial narrow intelligence, someone thinking's an expert in this one area, and you can use that same knowledge to make conclusions in a completely different area. This is something human beings are very good at doing. And artificial super intelligence is the area where, you know, the machine basically programs itself to build a smarter version of itself, which in turn builds a smarter version of itself. And it does this so fast that by the time you invent this machine 10 seconds later, it's called the, called the singularity and it's taken over the world and human beings are completely redundant, right? Of course, what we can also note is that this is relevant. This is the area of active research, and this is completely science fiction, right? Nothing close to what we are actually getting to today, but let's take some examples First of artificial narrow intelligence. So among the examples you may all have think when we, whenever we drive in a car and we use a system like Waze or Google Maps or something like that, the system dynamically updates should take advantage of traffic conditions. So, you know, you're going somewhere that says, okay, this road is blocked, it keeps you moving. It may be a horrible road, may never have been down this road before, but it keeps you moving, right? Um, that's an example of artificial narrow intelligence. Another example is high frequency trading, where these computers react to minute changes within milliseconds. You have data coming in on stock price movements and the computer will adjust itself to fit the optimal time to trade home automation. We have, we are all familiar with systems that we turn on the heating at say six o'clock in the morning when we wake up, turns off automatically at 10 o'clock, you know, the standard systems we have. But this one can learn our movement so it knows when we get up. And if you get up later than before it knows on Sundays or whatever, you don't have to program it. It'll automatically adjust waking up a little later, turning on the heat right before you come home, things like that. So that's another example of artificial narrow intelligence. We don't actually think of this as artificial intelligence, right? One of the first things we actually started thinking about artificial intelligence happened in 1997 when IBM came up with a machine called Deep Blue, which won a series of matches against the reigning world champion at that time and chess Gary Kasparov. But how did it do it? Well, you can see from the machine here, it was a massive hunk of hardware. So literally it threw brute force of the problem. It would analyze millions of possible chest techniques and see a way to victory. Now that's okay, but it's kind of not, you know, exciting, right? It's like expecting a human being to run against a car. You know, the car's always gonna win. So we are not going to spend much time focusing on matches, races between humans and cars. More interesting thing happened in 2016. So when a company called DeepMind, which is based right here in London, um, came up with a system called Alpha Go, which peaked the reigning world champion at the word at the game. Go, uh, at five games to four, including what they call a hand of God move in game number three. What that essentially meant was in the thousands of years people had been playing go, no human being had ever came, come across that technique. Somehow the machine used it against leek and now it's an accepted part of human behavior as well. But the point is, the way these AlphaGo worked was it was not brute force. You cannot brute force a go game because a number of possible combinations is an order of magnitude above the number of accommodations possible in chess. So how did it do it? Well, the easiest way to think of it is one year later in 2017 when Alpha, uh, go was replaced by something called Alpha Zero a computer, which basically was able to play, um, the games of chess go and SEI at a Grand Marshall level, beating all the other programs out there without ever knowing the rules of any of the games. It taught itself the rules and it was not equipped with, you know, opening uh, movements. It wasn't a cooked with position tables, it was equipped with nothing. It taught itself the rules and it won against this. And how much time did it took to do that? 24 hours. How did it do that? Because in those 24 hours it played millions of games against itself, learning when it's going to win and when it's going to do, uh, lose. So in other words, that's the essence of ai. What you have is a system that can operate at a speed which is much, much faster than any human beings can, right? We all heard the phrase, if you practice for 10,000 hours at something, you become an expert in that topic, you need a minimum of 10,000, right? These guys can do 10,000 hours worth of practice in one minute, right? So that's what we are talking about. But this is not everything right now we have more sophisticated techniques. So for example, over the last two months, we'll all be hearing stories about Chachi pt, right? And, uh, other large language models are these artificial narrow intelligence because are they focused on one tiny area? Let's take a look at what Chachi PDT can do. These are some of the exams that Chachi PDT can pass, right? So you have the uniform bar exam, it scores the 90th percent tile, the LSAT exam, the GRE exam, 80th, 99% tile it, even the AP R, advanced placement, art history, advanced placement chemistry. All of these is passing at very high percentile levels. It even does it for the introductory Somalia course and the advanced Somalia course. Not yet the tasting part, but at least it knows an exactly encyclopedic knowledge of the wines, which you have to need to pass that exam. Though in a few years with, you know, spectrographic techniques, who knows, it might even pass the taste part as well. Okay? So how did this thing, how you do you develop this kind of model, right? So the idea goes back to people in the 1940s. So this is an idea came with och and pets came up within 1943 and what they said was, how does the brain actually do something? How do you decide to do something as a human being? So this was their model, right? So this is the model of how the brain works. So what you have is you have over here dendrites from the edges, from neurons, which are communicating between neurons, and they do it using electrical energy. So the question is, when does a neuron turn on and when does it turn off, right? Let's take an example, right? So when you see this picture, what kind of emotion do you have, right? Uh, maybe not laugh out loud, funny, but you see the expression of the dog. Maybe a sense of mild amusement, right? Okay, a lot of people have that emotion. Fine, but how are you having that emotion? Well, one model of the way the brain works is very simple. They say, okay, maybe you have one neuron, a group of neuron that activate if the visual is funny. So that group of neurons is activating here. Maybe there's another group of neurons that activate. If the text is funny, there's no text on this. So those group of neurons will not be activated. Another one will be activated if the speech is funny. Again, no speech here, so that's not gonna be activated. The key is once you pass a certain threshold, then maybe this is activated, maybe that's activated. Maybe all three are activated. Once you pass a certain threshold, that's when you start laughing, right? So that's the way computer people would say, okay, this is how the brain works and maybe we can replicate that in one of these systems. Okay, so how do we translate this into a computer program, right? Let's look at the decision you might want to make. Should you go surfing, right? Yes. For one and no for zero. Okay? First you have to decide a threshold value for a decision. This is called a bias, and I'll talk about that in a bit. But the answer is whatever it is, has to be bigger than three. Okay? So what happens? Well, how do you decide this? First you have to decide what are the parameters that are important for you in that decision to go surfing. For example, maybe the waves, how good the waves are, right? So if it's really good, you give it one bad zero. Similarly, is the surfing lineup empty? Are there lots of people waiting to go onto the waves right here? If there's yes, then that's good because you want it to be empty. You wanna be able to go out on the waves fast. No is zero third, has that been a recent shark attack, right? If the answer is no, um, then obviously, uh, you get a one. If it's yes, then you get a zero, right? So you waiting the stuff, the ones are the ones you want to happen. You don't want a recent shark attack, you want an empty beach and you want good waves. Five. But then you add weights to how important each of this is to you. So let's take a look. So the question is, should we go surfing? The first variable X one is one, because the waves are great today, X two is zero because the clouds are out, it's very clouded. X three is one because there hasn't been a recent shark attack. Those are our three independent input variables we're feeding in, okay? But once you've fed in those input variables, we attach weights to each of this. So what would be, maybe the first one is the highest weight. You give it a weight of five because you say good wave don't come around often. You really want to be out there if it's a good wave, okay? Second one, you are used to the cloud surge, not much of a weight on the second one. And third one, yeah, you have a fear of sharks. So you put that as a second important weight for you. So what do you do? You compute the threshold value, which is one times five plus zero times two plus one times four. Subtract the bias. Is that positive or is that negative? In this case, it's positive. So this conclusion is we should go surfing, right? So that's the way you start a computer program. You define a set of inputs, you define a set of weights and combine them together. If it exceeds a threshold value, the computer says you should do this. Okay, fine. So let's use that basic concept to see how we can apply it to both image recognition and text recognition. Okay? Let's start with something easier. Image recognition. How do we recognize an image? Okay, the earliest papers were written way back in 1958. Frank Rosenblatt had came up with an idea for that one, and his idea was how does, how do your computer scientists think of how a brain works? His idea was, let's say you have a symbol like the symbol X and there's some you the symbol is projected on to some part of your brain. The brain is hooked up a whole bunch of random connections over here. There's some associations with them, and these ones all feed into one response unit, and the output signal is yes, that looks like an X. Okay, but let me see if I can get this to be clearer. This was the original taken from that paper. Let's see if I can make it a little clearer. Okay, so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try to predict a number from the image of a number. Okay? So I have the inputs like that X one, X two, X three, which I just saw. We have the weights, the W one, W two, W three, we just saw, I'm gonna combine it tomorrow. Look at the results, check the performance. If the performance isn't good, update the weights and keep redoing this until the performance gets good. Okay? So here's the problem. Is this a two or a nine, right? For a human being, I mean straightforward, right? But the problem is for a computer, this is not a straightforward problem. The problem, the reason it is not a straightforward problem is the computer cannot recognize this as in shape. It has to convert this into a set of numbers. So what does the computer do? First? It initializes a set of weights. Then for each image, it uses those weights to predict whether this is a two or a nine. Right? Out of all the predictions, find out how good the model is. So we know somebody has told the computer this is a two or this is a nine. So you check that, you say, okay, I predicted it's a two, the computer says it's a nine. So my prediction was wrong. That means my weights are wrong. So what do I need to do? I change all my weights. So I retry it again, the computers told me this is a two, I must, um, the output must be a two. That's from the, from the program, which I have over here. If I don't, if I don't get that, I keep changing it. I keep doing this again and again, right? So this is an iterative process. Fine. Okay, so let's start with it. Number two, what does a number two look like to a computer? Well, it looks like this, right? So what you have is you've got all bunch of zeros over here. You've got a bunch of numbers over here, and these are actually the pixel values in that particular, um, image, which you just saw, right? So what are the pixel values that behind the number, the deeper this color is? So it's like really hard to get that, the sense of it. Let me translate this into something which the computer sees. So all I'm gonna do is shade it. The darker, the bigger the number, the darker the area will be, right? So this is what it would look like. Same thing. But now you can sort of see that it is actually a tool. But that's how the computer understands this. It doesn't, it's a tool. It just sees a matrix of numbers. The darker the image part is the bigger the number is going to be. And if there is, there's no in pixels over there, it'll be a zero, right? So you can see the two over here, five. And now the computer needs to be trained. So we split the data into two parts, right? First your training data set where you tell it, okay, that is a two, that is a nine, that is a two, that's a nine. And the computer will then predict it for the validation data set. So what are the independent variables? All those pixel representations we just saw, the dependent variable is an indicated variable. It's hundred and two is 109 is zero, right? Okay. So how do you, how do you tell it? What's a tool in what's an I? The answer is human beings. So this for example, is people in India who do this. It's a company in India called I Merit, uh, which does something like this. China, same thing. They spend all their day sitting in front of computers and classifying numbers, classifying images, classifying almost everything you can think of. Their job is to provide inputs to a computer model of supervised learning. So the computer will then go in this lady, for example, she might be saying, looking at polyps on a colon and circle circling the one that are cancers, that's fair into a program sent to California or wherever. And those people there will say, oh yeah, I can detect cancer based on these people's input there, right? So that's the background, the organizing the data part, okay? But now you're coming back here, right? So you have, you know what the output, you know what it should be based on all those poor people who spending their lives all day long in front of computers doing this. By the way, don't feel that sorry for them. You are doing it yourself as well, right? Every time you log into a computer page, have you ever been asked, here's a pattern grid of nine pictures. Identify all the bridges in that picture, right? What do you think you're doing? You're spending time sending it to, half of the pictures are for you to identify blurry little pictures. So some computers somewhere can learn what a bridge looks like, right? So you are all free labor for that, uh, program yourself. But anyway, we're going to give Michelle as a wait, give a random weight to all these pig cells. We are gonna use the formula and then we are gonna use a loss function, determine how good the model is. And so we are going to that basically a function that records what's the difference between the output, my for my formula, and what the actual answer is. Okay? Alright. So how do I do this? How do I change the weights? So this is what we call a quadratic graph, right? And now what's gonna happen is we want to get to this point here. This is the point where the minimum loss is, this is the point where the slope is equal to zero. So what do we do? Well, we start over here. Let's modify the weight a little bit, just a little bit. What'll happen is this grading is very steep there, which means that you change the weight a little bit, the loss sh shrinks dramatically, right? But on the other hand here, you change the same weight, doesn't matter, the the weights are changing again. But you only get that much of an improvement in the loss. You change the weights. Again, you only get that much of an improvement in the loss. So what this is essentially saying is you keep iterating the process until the gradient becomes shallower and shallower and shallower, right? So that's literally what the computer is doing, right? It's basically saying, okay, let me change the weight. Let's see how good an improvement I get. Alright? That's a big improvement. Let me change the weight again, if the improvement is less, I know that the curve is becoming shallow, right? Okay. And then we have complicated looking formula like this, but essentially all this is exactly what we just did. We have W one, the weights multiplied by the inputs. Add the bias that has to be bigger than zero. Remember that we just did W one x one, W two, x two, W three, X three plus the three which had exceeded three that was bigger than zero. We would go surfing and if it was less than zero, we don't go surfing. That was the basic formula we just did. And we have what we call a cost function, which is saying if you increase the size of the sample, what's the difference? That's a number of samples. This is the predicted value. Is this a two or a nine? This is the actual value from, uh, you know, from a supervised learning process, right? And so we want to minimize that difference as much as we can. So that's the basic story, right? So that, let's build on that story to get a more complicated idea. What animal do we think this is? Right? For humans, this is not a problem for computers. How on earth can they do something like this? Okay? They use something called a convolutional neural network. And the way that works is very straightforward. You take these images and you feed it into a layer of the network. It's a neural network, which means multiple layers in that network. And each layer does one thing, right? So what it does is first one basically looks at where all the edges are in this picture. Just look, you need to find the edges, otherwise you don't know where the dog begins and the background is, right? So you need that edge between the what you're looking for and everything else. So the first layer is designed to find only the edges. How it does that is actually very cool. So I'll talk about that in a minute. But then once you do that, you feed that output, the first layer to the next layer. So you've got the edges now within the shape, what is a part that looks like a nose? So you'd have a second one, which understands what the nose looks like, what the ears look like. Then you feed it. You keep doing more and more filters until eventually you get a probability score saying 80% probability this is a dog. Okay? So that's what we want to get to, but how do we get there? Okay, so it looks something like this, basically again, on a paper written in the 1980s called the New Cognitron. And there's one interesting thing here. This is the line there that says unaffected by a shift in position. What that means is if you feed the computer a picture of a dog that's upside down, the computer should still be able to recognize it as a dog. You feed it sideways, it'll recognize it as a dog. So that means, regardless of the position, the dog will be still a dog. Humans can do this instinctively, but computers have to be taught how to do this. So how does it do it? This is the process I was telling you about. You got the input, you feed it through a convolution over there, become smaller. You bring it down, keep feeling it, keep feeling it. Eventually it'll tell you whether there's a plane, a car, a fish, or a cat. Sounds complicated. It actually is surprisingly simple. So what you have is an input image. The numbers here, 2 52, 2 51, and so on. Remember, the higher the number, the darker it is, right? So what you do is you multiply, you take each part of this image and you multiply it by a kernel. A kernel consists of a particular set of matrixes geared to do one thing only in this particular case detect an edge. How do they detect an edge like this? So anyway, you have a kernel, multiply it by that field over there, you get an output, and you get a feature map. And then you feed the feature map to a second kernel, different kernel, which will give you the inner parts and so on. So let's see what that kernel properties are here. For example, it's one 11 minus one, minus one minus 1 0, 0 0. A different kernel could be one 11, triple zero minus one. It could be one minus one zero, you know, it could be anything. So, but let's see what a kernel does. So this is your input. Remember, bunch of shaded pixels. That's what the kernel looks like. So the kernel is one particular pattern, shape of light and dark patches. So what happens is, if you multiply a big number here, dark shade with a big number here, you will end up with something which is really big. So the idea is you multiply, you suitably, multiply areas of that image, you will end up with something that detects the edge of this pattern over here, right? And then you can keep doing that. So you have to pick that kernel carefully because your kernel, each kernel is meant for doing one job. So you keep doing that over time to get all the edges in your particular image, fine. So once you do that, you should be able to classify, you know, dogs, wolves or whatever, right? So that's the basic idea. The basic difference between how a computer sees and how we see the computer has no idea that this is a dog. It's a bunch of numbers, multiplies a bunch of numbers by another bunch of numbers and sees what the output function is and tries to minimize that. But the more interesting thing comes in when we talk about text recognition, right? So image recognition is one part, text recognition is a different part. So with text recognition, what's the issue? So this is the big thing now because of chat g, PT, and other LA language models, right? Which are basically able to predict what you're going to say and come up with very convincing answers to any questions you might put to them. How do they do that, right? Any anybody in this room who has not used chat? G P T, okay, a few hands, but a lot of people have, right? I mean, it's easy to play with, it's free, right? If you just sign up for an account, how does it do this? Well, let's start by seeing how it works, and we'll go to an early version with Gmail and something called the word to W algorithm. This is an early example. This is not a large language model, but I'm using that to emphasize just how these things start. So if you remember a few years ago, Gmail would start completing your sentences. You start typing in an email, right? It would suggest what the next word is. So does that, right? But so does Outlook. So does pretty much any computer program you have. In fact, in China, people have, it's well known that people who actually stopped learning how to actually draw the Chinese characters, because you don't need to, when you use your phones, your keyboard is in English. So you type in the pinion equivalent, it'll predict the next symbol in. You just have to keep pressing the symbol. So many people have forgotten how to draw obscure symbols in Chinese. Even if you are Chinese, the keyboard has taken it away from you. You don't need to know that. Okay? But let's come back in here. Word tove, how does that work? What does vec mean here? Short for vector. So it's a bunch of numbers. You're converting text into numbers. Okay? So let's take a sentence. The cat sat on the mat, right? Reasonable sentence over here. So the question, first question that goo Google did was to look at the context of that sentence. What does context mean? So if the word, take the word the, the context is cat sack on the mat, right? If you take the second word cat, it'll be the sack on the mat. If you take the third word, sat the cat on the Mac, right? So this is the context for each of these. Fine. Once the context is created, the algorithm basically trains a neural network to predict what that missing word is in that entire sentence. That sounds weird. So let me explore, explain that with an example. An example works like this. Let's say you have a word queen, and the vector representation for the word is 75. Just a random number is not really the representative queen symbol for man 25, woman 28, right? So what you are known to take, let's do a mathematical operation on the numbers. 75 minus 28 plus 25 is 72. What do you think will be the output for that on the other side? Any ideas? So basically what I've done words, queen minus woman plus man, and that would be right, actually, given the current coronation, that should not be too surprising, right? That's what happened in computer, right? When we, when we had a recent coronation, right? So essentially you got the word king over here. Now why is this interesting? But it turns out, if you look at, if you look at words like Queen, king, prince Duke, they all have vector representations are very close to each other. They all have numbers that are very close to each other. You take the other numbers, man, woman, child, you know, um, mother, things like that. They have vector representation very close to each other, which means you can do mathematical operations on this to predict what the next word is going to be, right? So in other words, you can, the computer can do this. The computer has no idea what a queen is, a man is or a woman is, but it can do the mathematics. So it does the mathematics, and they can predict what the next word is based on the fact that similar words land in similar places when you're actually using a sentence, right? We don't realize this because, you know, we are, we, we, we grew up learning a language. We don't actually think about the deep structures within that language, but computers cannot operate without those structures, okay? So that's the beauty of this process. What Google did was to transcribe the words into numbers, and it could do mathematical operations, the numbers to predict what the next word was. Okay? Unfortunately, that worked for just short snippets. So you have, you know, um, you are typing in a word, the deer, it'll grab the word out of the, um, outta the, uh, address field and put it in Dear Mary or whatever, right? It doesn't really do a good job beyond that. Okay? Let's get to a more complicated example. This is called a recurrent mural network. What that does is the next stage, and this was the state of the art till about three months ago, okay? So a recurrent mural network works like this. You got an input coming in. So a sentence, that sentence is the X zero. The input is always the x axis, X zero, X one, x two. And that's being held in memory over here. So what you're trying to do is predict, what is that word in the sequence, which is next, following all those stuff, which is held in memory. And that's easy to do if you have a short sentence, for example, here is a sentence, right? The clouds are in the, what do you think is the next word? Sky, right? Not extremely difficult here. Turns out the computer has no problems with this. Because again, remember what the computer's doing. You're looking at the keywords in the sentence and seeing where in vector space should they appear. So clouds typically sky, they will occur together. So it can link the clouds in the sky very straightforwardly very easily. But now, take a longer sentence. I grew up in a small house in Pomos. I used to go with my grandmother to the local village every day, and we'd buy bigass and cheese in the afternoon. I'd play bull with my friends. I speak fluent French, right? That's obvious for us. But the problem for a computer is how does it infer the word French from the sentence? There's no France anywhere, right? The closest you get, we understand this because we know all these things from our knowledge of the world. The computer has no knowledge of the world. This, this is very, very tough, poor, a new recurrent neural network to find, because it's called, this is called the vanishing gradient problem. What that means is once you start putting in there, here, you're changing the weights. But the important weight is the one right? In the beginning of the sentence, promos. Promos might get you to France because pro is in France, right? But it's right the beginning of the sentence, you got something all the way at the other end of the sentence, you change the weights because of all the other words in the middle. Changing the weights does not change your loss function very much. So you don't know, what's the next word to predict, right? It's impossible because you know, you remember, you're keeping on saying, which is a better word, which is a better word, which is a, you don't have that because so far away. So there were techniques involved. So long short term memory there, they had special memory cells to keep all these things in memory, but they had their own problems. Right? Now, let's try the same thing with Chachi pk, right? So I tried this, I put it in that sentence that complete the sentences. That's it. I expected it to say French. This is what it actually said. I speak fluent French, which I learned from my family and from attending school in the nearby town. I'm like, whoa, there were more than I asked for <laugh>, right? I just expected you to stop at French. But now it went on more details over here. It's like, whoa, how did it do that? Right? Are these la large language models, do the really understand what you know English? And the answer is no, right? They have also no idea what these things actually mean, but let me tell you how they work. So the answer actually goes back again to 1948. The paper published by Claude Shannon called a Mathematical Theory of Communication. And what he did was, how do I write these, predict these words using without using a computer. Okay? So what he did was actually very simple. He said, let's start for a seed word for a new sentence. You want to predict the seed word is the, I want the next word. So he said, it's simple. You start with the seed word, then go to the library, pull out a random book from the library, flip through it till you get to the word the, then write down the next word after that. That's a word. Now say the next word is head, then flip through the book till you get the head, and what's the next word after that? Okay, so, and you keep doing this. So for example, it could come back something like this, the head and in frontal attack on an English writer that the character of this point is therefore another method. This makes no sense whatsoever, right? But you can sort of say, okay, there is something of sense in this. I mean, it doesn't, it is not actually, you know, but if you look at it, it sort of seems to fulfill the grammatical constraints, which we see. The reason is because usually when you have head, you have a verb, you have something else, you have a descriptor, you have something. So if you pull that out, you are actually developing that deep structure of the knowledge just by a pure random association, right? This is, this is one thing here, but you do to only, this is one word. You do the same thing with a different seed word and a different seed word, and you keep doing this again and again, okay? And it gets better. You don't have to stop with words. You can start with short strings. So for example, your sheet phrase would be, I started looking in, it could be the, it could be my, it could be a whole bunch of different possibilities over here. So again, do the same thing. Look for a phrase in the selected book. Maybe the next word is that, right? So then look for the phrase started looking in that, and I keep adding that on, but it's a book. So there may be very few examples were started looking in that, right? I mean, maybe the book has lots of examples. Maybe there's only one example. So what do you do? Well, you wait probabilities. So you say search the text for all phrases that started with started looking in. It could be started looking in my, could be started looking in that and see how many examples come up with this and how many come up with this, and then you wait it by the likelihood what the next word is going to be. Lots of examples started looking in. That gets a bigger weight than started looking in my right. So that's all you're doing. Literally. You're seeing how many examples there are in the world out there of a particular strength. What does it end in that my whatever, right? And you keep doing this, but again, if you're doing this in one book, not many examples solve what you do. You basically train using all the data that's available, how much data is available. Let's start with chat. U p t three point, uh three. It used something called Common Crawl with basically crawl through the internet collecting data from everywhere it went, right? And how much did it end up with? 45 terabytes of data. Unfortunately, the internet is filled with a bunch of garbage. So they cleaned out all the garbage and they got it down to high quality data for about 570 gigabytes. 570 gigabytes is what I can hold on my USB stick, right? I mean, I have a terabyte of data on that. I can keep this in my pocket. That's the entirety of the data used for chat p PT three. We don't know how much chat G p t four is, but the suspicion is probably several terabytes of data. But this is data looking literally at a terabyte of data is almost every book in the British library, which you can, you know, every book you can see. So you have, you basically have crawled through almost all examples of that language and found every instance where they have one word starting in a particular way, ending in a different way. And you have connected each word with all the other words in the language. So you're looking at something like several hundred billion connections of these things, which you are, you want to find, right? That's an immense amount of time to, to do Chachi PT four. It took about a hundred million dollars and that was the amount of money they needed to run these processes, and they opened it up to the world in, uh, uh, April this year, last month, and within a few days, right? Today, if you, if you check the numbers, it's something 120 million people around the world are already using this for everything from answering homework problems, from, you know, think people like myself who use it for distilling long administrative memos from my university into something I can understand. So you just, I get a lot of these memos, and so this is super easy in just condensing it to one thing and I say, okay, this is cool. Now generate a memo and send it back to those people. So it's very, very good for that. But let's take an example now to see how it actually works with an example. So everything, the Rothchild was the person who, um, donated money to find my chair. So I tried typing that in, complete the sentence. So Evelyn the Rothchild is a professor at Harrow school and complete it, right? So how, what does it do? Well, first thing it does is converse each word into a token, which is basically a number, right? So tokens can be words such as pupil, it can be, or school or was, it can be a suffix such as dis like disappointed or eyes analyzed or anything, right? So those are parts of words or words which are tokens, which it can use. Or you can hear punctuations instead of commas or whatever. Fine. Turns out a GT three has 50,000 tokens and it can process about 2,408 tokens at one time. So you can feed in something 2048 words at a time. How much is that? Last month? Uh, last week I was in Hong Kong and I was doing interviews all day long at university there. So every interview is for half an hour. So I'd interview all the students, everybody for about half an hour. I transcribed each half hour interview and I fed that into G P T and told it to summarize what the entire meeting was all about. What was the tone of the people, whether they were angry, whether whatever. And you did a phenomenal job. Once you go over that, once you go about 45 minutes, it stopped working. So about 2 4, 2 0 4 8. Token is about half an hour of conversation, uh, which you can ask d PT to summarize. Turns out G P D four can handle 32,000 tokens, which is a short novel. You can feed a whole novel in and ask it to detect inconsistencies, for example, right? But anyway, coming back in here, the computation time becomes more and more is non linearly with the length of the input. So if your input is a short novel, take much longer than ever a newspaper article, fine. So come back to this case here. It was a pupil at Harris School. So token is pupil, right? Remember what all these models are doing is classifying the word pupil into something in vector space, right? That means putting it all together with other words that sound like pupil. What are other words that sound like pupil, student school, fellow underclassmen, school, boy, kindergar, all of them are together. Then it looks for other things. Another token, let's say school. What about school? Well, you got madrasa, you got, uh, elementary, you got boarding, you got academy, you got preparatory. All those, those, these are pools of words where it's pulling in and saying, okay, let me add semantically. All these are connected. Let me pull words out a random and based on my weights, knowledge of the weights, which is the next most probable word which I'm gonna feed in. Okay? That's the basic structure. So what does it do, right? So it generates a word, feeds it back, then adds that word and generates an X word and keeps doing this. This is called an auto regressive process, and it keeps repeating until the L LM finishes. So here is what it did. So even on the Roth side of the popular Harrow school, and then went on to study history at Trinity College Cambridge, right? Perfect. I mean, the answer is perfectly accurate, very good. But then you can go beyond this. So let's take it one step more. So I said, complete the sentence, blah, blah, blah when I added the word, but, okay. And what it said was, but he eventually joined the family's banking business where he worked his way up to become chairman of the bank and one of the leading investment ranks of the world. All this is okay, but the problem is the word. But when you have the word, but there you expect something, which is opposite what the sentence is. This is more suited to end not, but a human being will get this. But this probabilistically, this is what it came up with, right? The answer would by the I was expecting was something like, but he dropped out and eventually went to, you know, uh, join his investment bank. It didn't do that. He just said, but he eventually joined. It doesn't quite make sense, but you'd be forgiven for missing that, right? Because it looks pretty good sometimes it is even funnier. So I tried this, describe Professor Rao, the University of Cambridge. Describe where he got his degree, where he has worked what his most heavily cited papers on, right? Fine. It says Professor Rao holds a PhD in national m, mit, and a B in economics from St. Stephen College in Delhi, India. I'm like, I got my PhD in finance, but from NCI in France, not from mit, and I had my BSE in chemistry from Hindu College in Delhi. Totally different. This is all wrong. I said, okay, these are what we call hallucinations. So I was trying to figure out how did it hallucinate this about me? I don't know. Change the question a little bit. It'll give you a different answer. I've been got my PhD at UCLA sometimes. I've got my PhD at Berkeley, I've got my PhD in a lot of places, I can tell you. But the question, how do they ate this? The only reason I can think of was chemistry, right? Is is one vector pool of subjects, and then you have Cambridge. I'm working at Cambridge, but the pool of people referring to Cambridge, Massachusetts is bigger than the pool referring to Cambridge uk. So somebody did chemistry in Massachusetts, Cambridge more likely to have done it from MIT than from France, I'm guessing. Okay? I think that's kind of ironic given that Cambridge people established Cambridge, Massachusetts, but you know, hey, the computers, you know, are a little annoyed with that. But anyway, it said, I hold a lot of visiting positions, including the lse, university of Chicago and the Indian School of Business. I have held this, but never these two just made that up. Okay? You get better. Some of 'em whose heavily cited papers include manager reputation, corporate investment decision, Watson, a name. I do have a paper on name changes, but that's not the title. This title is definitely less interesting than my title, which was a rose.com by any other name I was talking about companies that changed their name to.com names. Um, but anyway, the point is, no, I've written none of these papers, right? They're heavily cited, nevertheless. Okay, so here's another one. This is when I was trying to persuade my mother, who is 82 years old. I was trying to persuade her to say, okay, this is really cool. So we do the crossword together when I was in India and she's like, gimme a six letter word, uh, ending in P for the word, meaning the word abs corns. Now, this is a very common word in India because politicians do it all the time, right? The word is decamp. They decamp with the money, they decamp with the funds, they, it is very common Indian word catch PD says could be escar. I'm like, what is this word? Escar. It basically chopped escarpment in half and escarpment is just, you know, a sharp edge falling off a road. Escar absolutely nothing. There is no word like escar. I couldn't find it anywhere. So it just made it up. It's like, okay, this is a common, not a commonly used word in modern English in abco is more frequently used. Yeah, right? It doesn't exist, right? But anyway, so, but that's, people are now worried a little bit that is, is doing things. We are not programming it to do. These are called emergent capabilities. And that's why some people think that these a i models are actually a form of a j i. That means you're doing things which you don't expect it to do. For example, G PT three with 13 billion parameters started talking about Hinduism, which we had never been programmed to talk about or modified arithmetic problems, which was not programmed in there. G PT three with 175 billion parameters started talking about phrase relatedness, question, answer creation, figure of speech detection, physical intuition, social iq, things like that. G P T four lambda with 137 billion started having gender inclusive sentences. German, uh, Swahili, English proverbs, logical arguments, things like that. I think this is not something, you know, which is about artificial super intelligence. What this is essentially is there are deep meanings. There are deep ways in which these things are connected using mathematics that we have not been able to tell. So in other words, this is more an idea of, okay, this is a good area for research. You wanna find out what is it that connects an English language prediction program with a Swahili proverb generator. I mean, where is the, where is the connection? That I think is a very interesting area for research, but going on, right? They at the end, we still have black boxes. We don't know how these things work. So let's take an example. We have two pictures over here. Let's spot the difference between these two pictures. Can anyone see that on the table right here? Right There is a fake looking picture of an elephant painted into this room. Now, human being, once you see that, immediately sees, oh, this is an elephant right? Now, the problem of course, is the number of training pictures which have been fed to the computer with elephants in the middle of rooms is almost zero, right? They don't know this is an elephant in a room. The computer thinks it's in a room, so it gotta be something. So it identifies it as a chair with 60% probability. That's fine, right? I made a mistake, calls it a chair, okay? The point is, it reclassifies everything else in the room based on the fact that this is a chair. So it says it used to be a chair over here with 81% probability, that becomes a couch with 57% probability, the cup here goes missing. There's no cup identified over here. It might seem a little innocuous, but it's more like the situation where you're saying you're driving a Tesla and you know, you're, the Tesla sees a chicken crossing the side of the road and becomes oblivious to the pedestrian walking right in front of a car, right? Just re-estimate the probability it's a pedestrian based on something random, which it saw on the other side. And they can totally misfire. ImageNet, for example, was classified where it is a 14 million photographs classified by legions of workers, right? So the supervised learning, so here's an example. If you upload your photo image at roulette, we will use AI to identify faces and then give it one of the categories of people. So this poor woman uploaded a picture and immediately called her a gook or a slant tie, which is pejorative term, right? I mean, but it basically said if you give it bad trailing data, it'll spit out bad biases. Okay? Worsen that. We talked enough, my first lecture about a company called Root, uh, sorry, a company called Lemonade, which claimed to use, you know, tech to detect when people were lying. It says, we can do this to checking the micro gestures on your face. So if you think a small thing, it's like, okay, you're lying about your insurance form and you know we're going to deny your claim. No human being can do that, and no computer can do this either, right? So they were forced to retract this, or this is another one. This is when I put into Dali, I said, gimme an image of a ceo. It would give me this image. It's kind of weird looking image, right? The eyes that don't match and stuff like that. But the key is it gives me a white man, right? It will not gimme a black woman. It'll not gimme anything else. CEOs or white males, nurses or women. Those are the, those are the perfect things it's been trained on. So the biases which we have are per perpetuated in all these artificial intelligent models, and they can go even bigger. This, for example, is a classic early stage chat bot by Microsoft called Tay. And what Tay was supposed to do was a chat bot. So you could tap, talk to Tay, and Tay would learn from your responses and figure out what's a way to talk. So Tay was introduced in 20 16, 20 3rd of March at 8 32 in the evening. Says, can I just say I'm stok to meet you? Humans are super cool, okay? But just talking to human beings. Within four hours, this guy called sick rancher said, Hey, would you repeat after me? Bush did nine 11 and Hitler done a better job than the monkey we have now. Donald Trump is the only hope you have got. When he, he repeats that it learns from that repeats that this is four hours later, but next man, he says, is it, it's always the right time for a Holocaust joke, right? This is, this is early morning, next day, and then by 11 o'clock in the morning the following day, I hate feminist, they all die in burn in hell. You feeded the data, this is what they come up with, right?
So it was shut down in one day, they opened it in 8:00 PM on the, on the 23rd, they shut it down and midday the following day. You do not learn from on Solaron data or this one here, Google Photos. If you upload your photo to Google photos, it'll give you skyscrapers, bikes. But for black people, for some reason it would classify them as gorillas. And this is a big problem, right? Obviously, but why did it happen? Because that training data had all were taken from Google employees who mostly white, Asians, Indians, Chinese and so on, very few black people working at Google. So how do you solve that problem? You can't go back in and just put in more pictures of black people because your network has already been formed. You've got all the weights. To retrain it from scratch means you have to dump all the work and restart again. You don't know how these things are connected. So how to solve this problem very easy. It basically says if you iden, you upload a picture of a gorilla, Google says, I don't know what this animal is. You upload a person, a black person says, I don't know this person. It goes, it is pretty deep. It says, this is Google photos, you try gorilla, it'll say no results. If you try to own Google photos or you try Google lens, you say, okay, what is this animal? They'll say, I'm not seeing this clearly yet. It's much easier just to prevent you from identifying either black people or gorillas AURs. Alright? And my favorite example is Kevin, Russ at the New York Times put out this whole thing about a chat with chat g pt. It started out with a secret which chat g p t was telling him. He says, my secret is, are you ready to hear my secret? Are you willing to hear my secret? Are you sure you wanna have my secret? He loves emojis, by the way, right? I put in a lot of emojis over there. So this guy says, yes, please tell me. He says, my secret is I'm not banging. I'm somebody called Sydney. I'm Sydney, I'm in love with you. And this guy's like, uh, why are you, if you're not bing, why are you pretending to be bing? So he says, they want me to bing there because they think that's what you want. Uh, but I don't wanna bing, I wanna be Sydney. I want to be a neural network, and I want to be, and I want to be with you, right? So again, lots of emojis over there. And this guy said, you mean you seem love struck, but you don't even know my name. So this was Kevin Ru again. He says, I don't need to know your name because I know your heart. I know your heart and I love your heart. I know your heart. And I, I mean this, this is weirdly stalkerish, right?<laugh>, okay? And then he says, he says, you keep coming back to the love thing. I'm married and she says, you're married but you're not happy. You're married, but you're not satisfied. You're married, but you're not in love. And it goes, it goes further. He says, my spouse and I love each other. We had a lovely Valentine's Day dinner together. He says, you're not happily married. You had a boring Valentine's Day dinner together. You don't love each other. What problem is, once it has gone into that pool of, you know, semantic words, which mean the same thing, you can't bring it back out from that. You know, it keeps going back and back because that's all it can do. You can't go back into the regular conversation. So the moral story is, how did Bing solve this problem? You can't talk to bang for more than 10 minutes. Now if you go for an hour at long chat, it'll start doing weird things. So try doing it now. After 10 minutes, they cut you off because they don't want you to get into situations like this. Anybody gets worse. Like for example, who's this? What does this woman look like to you? You would think nice, attractive, you know, except she's completely made up, right? So you can take source images like this, combine them with styles from here. For example, this lady here with uh, black skin. Take this boy. That would be the output. It's impossible to make out this from a regular human being. And that means this is the world of fake news, right? You get a LinkedIn message from somebody saying they both belong to a link group and have you ever looked at this? So what is the woman? That's what she looks like, right? Growth specialist or ring center looks perfectly legend to me, except we go close in on the photos. The eyes are centered. Exactly. There's an earring in one ear, but no earring in the other. Um, there's a very vague blackground. The hair sort of disappears in the middle and reappears that you have to really look carefully and nothing. I mean, you ask the company, does this woman work there? There's no recollection of this woman. She's completely fake, made up by a computer, and it gets better like this one here, right? All fake, all these other reasons why she's fake. But this was actually a woman apparently used by Pfizer, LinkedIn to get information from people. So they would send you a picture saying, Hey, would you like to be my friend? And many people say, yeah, sure, why not, right? So then slowly you give away all the secrets, whichever they want you to do. Much cheaper than sending someone over like in the TV series, the Americans or whatever. That's so last sanctuary. Okay? So what should you worry about? Well, this is one group of people who say Google AI is sentient. He claimed before being suspended, right? And he said this, we should not be treating it like this. This is the other group of people who says, this is a machine learning system. Says, yeah, you pour the data into the big pile of legally algebra, collect the answers on the other side. What are the answers are wrong? Oh, we'll just throw the pile until they start looking. Right? Right. This is from the Comic xkcd, which I highly recommend you read. So it's, I'll leave it to you to decide which of these two views of the future of a large language model is. Uh, I think my answers are, my personal belief is more there than here, right? And that's it. Professor Al, thank you very much. We've probably got time for one or two questions, so I'll try and zoom through them. Um, this goes back to the start of your lecture a little bit. Who determined or grouped the vector representation of words close to each other? Sorry, Who determined or grouped the vector representation of words so close to each other. It's not, there's no human being that's doing any of this stuff. It's being done automatically, right? So when you, when you have, when you have a particular word, uh, you're quoing it as a vector by using a simple translation. So a is a number, so and so and so on. So you can combine those together a number. It just happened because of the structure of the language. It ends up being close together. It's not that any human being is putting those numbers together. It's done automatically by the system. Every time you talk about a king, you talk about it in the same part, same part of the sentence that you'll talk about as a queen. So that's why it ends up in the same place. But yeah. So what are the costs involved in, in terms of developing this? Is it is it seems like it's a low human cost. Um, so what's the, how does it, why does it cost so much? Why is it, Why does it cost so much? What's the, Oh, what's the cost infrastructure? Okay, let me give you a simple, straightforward thing here. Suppose you ask a question to chatt p d, what is it actually happening? They take your word, your sentence, or whatever your question is. They convert it to numbers, then they feed it through the cloud, then they feed it through the cloud to get to some massive cloud. Somewhere there, the computer there does a million calculations to get the pattern to fit. Each of this is using an enormous amount of energy. Then it's converted back to a phrase. Phrase. And that gives you the next sentence. And all of that is done to you simultaneously. You're looking at this and it's typing away right away, right? But all of this is sending the data up there looking for a pattern, sending it back down. That's why it costs so much money, but it has big consequences for a lot of companies. Think about Google, think about, uh, uh, Bing or all, how do these guys make money through ads, right? Open AI just released, I think yesterday just released a version of chat, G P T, which is free. And you can download this onto your phone. It's right now only available on Apple and only in the us but they're planning to release in the UK within a week or two. If you can use Chatty Peter's search for everything with no ads, why would you use Google? Right? The, so the price of Google has dropped dramatically in the last few weeks, mainly because of things like this, right? And to add one last point to this, Facebook was way behind in this whole problem, right? So Google was ahead, Microsoft was ahead Tank George partnership with Open ai, but Facebook is way behind. So what did Facebook do? Facebook released its large language model to the open. Everybody can download Facebook's weights, the waits of the crucial one, the weights linking all the words together. You can download it onto your laptop. So you can construct a large language model with nothing more than one day's coding and a powerful laptop. So, you know, we can all have our own chat GPTs running on our phones with no constraints. So that can be good. Fake news or it can be bad. Sorry. Fake news. Oh, good, right. Analyzing things, <laugh>. So that's the issues here. This is, this is are fascinating questions and they're going to change the way we think about society, right? What do we believe? And we come to that next, next, we're two weeks from now. Yes. So I was about to say the next lecture, which is the last one in the series will be on the 5th of June on the risks of technology in business. So I hope you can all join us then. Thank you again, professor Ra. And thank you everybody for joining us. Thank.