Gresham College Lectures
Gresham College has been providing free public lectures since 1597, making us London's oldest higher education institution. This podcast offers our recorded lectures that are free to access from the Gresham College website, or our YouTube channel.
Podcasting since 1984 • 2852 episodes
Gresham College Lectures
Latest Episodes
How Inequality Affects Mental Health - Lade Smith
Watch the Q&A session here: risk factors for mental illness include genetics, perinatal factors, substance use, negative life events, trauma and orga...
Saints & Liars: The Stories of Americans Who Saved Endangered People from the Nazis - Debórah Dwork
Watch the Q&A session here: Lecture unveils the hidden history of Americans who risked their lives to save others during WWII. These intrepid people travell...
Why believe in Conspiracy Theories? - Peter Knight
Watch the Q&A session here: Brexit, the US presidential election and the Covid pandemic, conspiracy theories now seem to be everywhere. It’s commonly argued...
The Ancient History of Computers and Code - Victoria Baines
What links an ancient shipwreck to the textile mills of Northern England? Both contained forerunners of the computing we use today. Computer language and software also have a long history, featuring military research and the repurposing of earl...
The Convoluted Brain: Wrinkles and Folds - Alain Goriely
Watch the Q&A session here: human brain has a very distinct and complex appearance with valleys and ridges folding over themselves. The same convolutions are found in large mammals, but not in smaller...