Gresham College Lectures
Gresham College has been providing free public lectures since 1597, making us London's oldest higher education institution. This podcast offers our recorded lectures that are free to access from the Gresham College website, or our YouTube channel.
Podcasting since 1984 • 2835 episodes
Gresham College Lectures
Latest Episodes
Were Laws created by Greek Legends? - Melissa Lane
While Lycurgus of Sparta and Solon of Athens are now the best-known lawgivers of Greek antiquity, there were many others, from king Minos in Crete to Zaleucus and Charondas in southern Italy. This lecture explores the specific roles attributed ...
Human Rights Law: Bringing Power to the Powerless - Clive Stafford Smith
This first lecture looks at the power that is given to advocates in a country that has a constitutional structure like the US. I have brought The American Constitution powers an American lawyer in ways unavailable to the British. I will i...
What is Modern Paganism? - Ronald Hutton
What is modern Paganism, and how does it relate to witchcraft, Druidry and other phenomena? This lecture is designed to answer that question, and in doing so to provide an overview of the different traditions that make up Paganism today. It wil...
Does having a big brain make your smarter? - Alain Goriely
Watch the Q&A session here: centuries scientists have tried to identify what is special about the human brain. How do we approach this problem from a mathematical standpoint? The first ...