Gresham College Lectures
Gresham College has been providing free public lectures since 1597, making us London's oldest higher education institution. This podcast offers our recorded lectures that are free to access from the Gresham College website, or our YouTube channel.
Podcasting since 1984 • 2872 episodes
Gresham College Lectures
Latest Episodes
Is Your Money Safe? Unveiling Hidden Conflicts in Finance - Raghavendra Rau
Watch the Q&A session here: https://youtu.be/gWJmpSO4WZIFinance involves a group of people attempting to make rational decisions on valuation, but people are complicated. People can be self...

The Connected Brain: Network and Communication - Alain Goriely
Watch the Q&A session here: https://youtu.be/bKMV8i9Mq40The brain is mostly organised in small modular regions connected to each other. Typically, each region performs different cognitive t...

Breaking the Fourth Wall of Sound: The Paradox of Screen Music - Milton Mermikides
Sound and music hold a strange and powerful role in film, TV and video games, aiding narrative and emotional impact. They can even exist in the world of ‘the film’ – heard by the characters – or in the world of the audience. Music can even brea...