Gresham College Lectures
Gresham College has been providing free public lectures since 1597, making us London's oldest higher education institution. This podcast offers our recorded lectures that are free to access from the Gresham College website, or our YouTube channel.
Podcasting since 1984 • 2865 episodes
Gresham College Lectures
Latest Episodes
Writing a British Constitution - Clive Stafford Smith
Recently, the UK has got into a muddle over how to approach Scottish independence and Brexit. What can we learn from the U.S. which took much of its system from the theory behind the U.K. structure: the King as the Executive; a Legislature made...
The Modern Goddess - Ronald Hutton
Watch the Q&A session here: looks at how and why a particular form of the non-Christian divine feminine came to take over the Western European imagination f...
Who’s Afraid of Robots? - Victoria Baines
Watch the Q&A session here: Intelligence is a very recent invention…or is it? Humans have been fascinated by intelligent machines for thousands of years. Some exist only in our collective imagi...